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Cyder Bay Farm

Specializing in Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys & Irish Dexter Cattle

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Cyder Bay Creations
Welcome to our original Art Page!

Visit the online etsy store to see more of my designs.
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Items shown may be purchased ~ Contact us !!!! 

cement mushrooms

2019 Art/Craft Shows
 We plan to attend!

June 8 - Manitowoc Garden Faire Extraodinaire
Washington Park, Manitowoc WI

July 27-28 Ellison Bay Historic Antique Tractor and Craft fair
Ellison Bay- Door Count,y WI

August 3 - Brigadoon Winery
Tripoli, WI

October 5 - Bay Beach Craft fair
Green Bay, WI

November 8-9 Manitowoc holiday Faire Extraodinaire
Expo Center Manitowoc, WI


Lovely Hand Sculptured cement mushrooms for your yard or woods. Prices run $39-59 Depending on size and design elements. Due to the weight factor.... we currently sell “pick up only” or we can meet you at one of our show locations.

Cement flower stakes

Cement Flowers on iron stakes for your garden or yard!
These are fun and refreshing. Price $25.00 each

Iron works

A fun assortment in the working process for our next show!
Iron lady is SOLD. We will be making more wheel flowers. Contact us.

Cement Dog
Iron with cement

Love these!! Cement ball flowers on stands!
Each one is a one of a kind, very unique. Price $

Iron walleye

Iron Walleye Fish! This bad boy is around 4-5 feet long and also tall, he is a bit heavy. But WOW can you picture him in a special part of your landscape...an area with ornamental grasses would be ideal Pick -up- Only. $450
I can get exact measurements upon request.

Cement dog a

Cement Hand sculptured dog. I have made several of these dogs and they are always a long process of cement layers and hand forming. Each one has it’s own personality!
My dogs will weight around 50-75 pounds and are ment to be a true piece of art.
Prices will range on the dogs ...generally $350-$400 each.

 CyderBay Home  Herd Sires  Jennets  Foals  For Sale  Sold  Dexter Cattle  CBF Location  Our History  CBF Creations  Breeders SALE

Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck