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Nursery ~ 2010 Foals

Our foals are a product of careful selection & planning. We always have a nice assortment of sizes and colors born between the months of April thru August, and we like to retain many to watch how they mature so we will also have a great selection every Spring of coming yearlings. Our foals get the best early nutrition, and care! 

Cyder’s Miss Perigee Moon

2010CandyFoal 0112010CandyFoal 035

 Date of Birth: 01-29-2010
 Color: Dark Gray & White Spot 

Gender: Jennet
Birth Height: N/A(mature about 32”)

 Sire: MGF Prime Time (Black & white spot)
 Grandsire: Dewey Meadows Primo
 Granddam: MGF Venus Dark Damsel

Dam: MGF Venus Candy Tess
GrandSire: Dewey Meadows Primo
Granddam: MGF Venus Kes

Moonie came into the world in -20 below temperatures, and she was born under a Perigee Moon phase “where night is like day”. Moonie’s color is like the Moon she was born under hence her name.     

Cyder’s Midnight Lass


 Date of Birth: 04-20-2010
 Color: Dark Dark Brown *NLP  

Gender: Jennet
Birth Height: 22-22.5”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

Dam: FL Zerelda James
GrandSire: Willow Creek Luigi
Granddam: Tex*Ass What a Woman

This little girl is nice and square and loves everybody. What a looker, great pedigree, she will mature to a nice smaller size, and “very” nice thick stocky build.
Here is one nice little jennet!!!

Cyder’s Flash Drive


 Date of Birth: 04-22-2010
 Color:  Tan/Lt Brown/Gray MSK*   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam:Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam: Cyder’s TT Blaze
 GrandSire: Fisher’s Tiny Tim
 Granddam: Teddy’s Treasure Harriet

This one will make a flashy gelding, he is upright and showy. He should have enough size to be a driver/performance gelding. Very Nice!

Cyder’s Sun Beam


 Date of Birth: 04-25-2010
 Color:  Red   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 22-22.5”

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50
 Granddam:Bell E Acres Little Red Julie

 Dam: Cyder’s Fanny May
 GrandSire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: ElRocha’s Mitzy

This one will make a flashy gelding, he is upright and showy. What a pretty boy! He should have enough size to be a driver/performance gelding. Very Nice!

Cyder’s Miss Fancy


 Date of Birth: 05-13-2010
 Color:  Red   

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 20”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam:Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam: Cyder’s TT Kitty
 GrandSire: Fisher’s Tiny Tim
 Granddam: Teddy’s Treasure Kitty

What a surprise ~ a little red jennet...we did not expect that color choice. Sweet as can be, great conformation, pedigree and the cutest little head...not to mention a very wide chest. This one should be a knockout jennet with all her qualities!



 Date of Birth: 06-04-2010
 Color: Dark Brown     

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 24”

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50
 Granddam: Bell E Acres Little Red Julie

 Dam: LN Agobi
 GrandSire: LN Mr. Attitude 
 Granddam: Aday’s Bushnell Gobi

What a big boy this one will be. Gordon should be well suited for a pet/companion gelding job when he gets older! Perfect pet should mature around 35”!

Cyder’s Clarabell

2010Mirabell foal

 Date of Birth: 06-27-2010
 Color: Dark Brown/Bay   

 Gender: Jenny
 Birth Height: 23.5”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam:  Perfection’s Mirabell
 GrandSire:  Perfection’s Jett
 Granddam: Perfection’s Miricale

What a nicely built girl, she has great bone and solid build. She should be quite the jennet when she grows up!

Cyder’s Fire Kracker


 Date of Birth: 06-28-2010
 Color: Dark Red   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 20”

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50 
 Granddam: Bell E Acres Little Red Julie

 Dam:  MGF Venus Red Torre 744
 GrandSire: The Fireman 
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

This is one handsome Boy! The first boy from our Torre. Herd sire potential.

Cyder’s Red Randy

2010Starlet Foal

 Date of Birth: 7-07-2010
 Color: Red w/star    

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23”

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50
 Granddam: Bell E Acres Little Red Julie

 Dam: Cyder’s Scarlet Bella
 GrandSire:  LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

Here is a red boy who might mature a little tall but nicely built...we are selling him as a pet/gelding/show? He is peppy and active, will make for great entertainment!

Cyder’s Rose


 Date of Birth: 07-22-2010
 Color: Lt Red w/large star

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 21”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

Dam:  Cyder’s Mary Rose
GrandSire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
Granddam: Pygmy Acres R-Dominica

What a striking little jennet!

Cyder’s ?


 Date of Birth: 07-23-2010
 Color: Darker Red w/large star   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 24”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam:  LN Brandy
 GrandSire: Milton of M&M 
 Granddam: Strawberry Shortcake

What an up headed showy boy this one is!

Cyder’s BlackBerry


 Date of Birth: 07-24-2010
 Color: Very Dark Brown     

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 21.5”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam: HA Peace M
 GrandSire: McLendon’s 45 Magnum
 Granddam: HA Patience

What a nice looking boy this is, we are holding him as a jack prospect!

Cyder’s TangaToo

2010 TangaFoal

Date of Birth: 08-04-2010
Color:  Dark Red    

Gender: Jennet
Birth Height: 2x”

Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

Dam: Cyder’s Tanguaray
GrandSire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
Granddam: LN Brandy

What a nice looking jennet this is, she is square and straight! She will be a top quality girl, we hope to get better pictures of her soon.

Cyder’s (?)

2010 Blackie & PC foals geldings

Date of Birth: 08-08-2010
Color:  Dark Brown/Black   

Gender: Jack
Birth Height: 2x”

Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

Dam: Cyder’s Little Blackie
GrandSire: KDL Black hawk 
Granddam: KDL Wheezie

Here is a nice little boy (Left)! Yearling Picture.

Cyder’s Lola

2010 CinderFoal

Date of Birth: 08-12-2010
Color:  Black w/ cross *nlp   

Gender: Jennet
Birth Height: 2x”

Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

Dam: KC’s Cinder Smoke
GrandSire: Sunset Acres Tuffy
Granddam: KC’s Black Smokie

Very dark/black......More coming!

Cyder’s Tink


Date of Birth: 08-30-2010
Color:  Dark Grulla *nlp   

Gender: Jennet
Birth Height: 2x”

Sire: Stock Market Special Edition
Grandsire: Happytime Acres Pep-R-Oni
Granddam:Stock Market’s Cash Allowance

Dam: Sunny G’s Lacie
GrandSire: Miller’s Mr. Spock
Granddam: Sutherlin’s Little Zsha Zsha

She has arrived, small and cute! Yearling picture.

 CyderBay Home  Herd Sires  Jennets  Foals  For Sale  Sold  Dexter Cattle  CBF Location  Our History  CBF Creations  Breeders SALE

Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck