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Specializing in Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys & Irish Dexter Cattle

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Nursery ~ 2011 Foals

Our foals are a product of careful selection & planning. We always have a nice assortment of sizes and colors born between the months of April thru August, and we like to retain many to watch how they mature so we will also have a great selection every Spring of coming yearlings. Our foals get the best early nutrition, and care!  We are expecting 7 foals in 2011 all will be for sale. 

Cyder’s Cherry Zing

2011 ZingaFoal

 Date of Birth: 03-11-2011
 Color: Dark Red   

 Gender: Jenny
 Birth Height: 23”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam:  Cyder’s Raspberry Zinga
 GrandSire:  Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Granddam: LN Raspberry Red

What a nicely built girl, she has great bone and solid build. She should be quite the jennet when she grows up! YES, that is snow behind her photo taken April 5th.

Cyder’s Brown Boy I


 Date of Birth: 04-05-2011
 Color: Dark Brown   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 22.75”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam:  Tex *Ass Miss Polka Dot
 GrandSire:  Ferncroft’s WYSIWYG
 Granddam: Ferncroft”s Slick Lady

 This boy is a little taller but a nice little boy. We will sell him as a gelding /pet. He has a wonderful personality and will follow you all around.  SOLD

Cyder’s Brown Boy II

2011Dimafoal 001
2011Dimafoal 0312011Dimafoal 009

 Date of Birth: 04-20-2011
 Color: Dark Brown   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 2x”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: Pygmy Acres Diamiss
 GrandSire: Dino of Pygmy Acres  
 Granddam: Pygmy Acres Missy

“Look Mom I can Fly”! This boy is a pistal...just won’t stand still! Dark nice and very cute! A little stinker for sure!  SOLD

Cyder’s Black Jane


 Date of Birth: 05-04-2011
 Color:  Black or very dark   

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 20”

 Sire: Cyder’s Palomino Star
 Grandsire: Hedrick’s JJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: Cyder’s Black Pearl
 GrandSire:  LN Foxworthy 
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

Here she is our first Palomino foal! Surprise “Black” well that was a surprise! She is small, nicely built and very cute.

Cyder’s White Face Boy

2011Blaze foal 004

 Date of Birth: 06-14-2011
 Color:  Gray/Tan/Red MSK*  

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23.5”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana

 Dam: Cyder’s TT Blaze
 GrandSire: Fisher’s Tiny Tim 
 Granddam:Teddy’s Treasure Harriet

 Very athletic boy will be a nice gelding and large enough for performance! SOLD

Cyder’s Red Amazon

2011RaspFoal 001

 Date of Birth: 06-28-2011
 Color:  Dark Red   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 26”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana

 Dam: LN Raspberry Red
 GrandSire: Miniature Prancer 
 Granddam: Strawberry Shortcake

Pretty boy and a tall one also, this boy is sharp and will mature big and showy, super performance boy coming up here!!
We are planning to retire Raspberry (now age 21 years) and this will be her last foal.

Cyder’s Dolly Madison 


 Date of Birth: 07-29-2011
 Color:  Dark/black?   

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 21”

 Sire: Cyder’s Mr. Madison
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Circle C Miss America

 Dam: Cyder’s TT KItty
 GrandSire: Fisher’s Tiny Tim 
 Granddam:Teddy’s Treasure 

Very nicely built girl by Madison we are very pleased with this cross and the results!

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Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck