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  2013 Foals

Over the years we have seen that not all genetics are proven equal and popular individuals or pedigree line combinations may lack the ability to consistently reproduce high quality foals. 
Therefore we at CBF have put product outcome to the test with countless hours of study to put the odds in our favor...take a look and see. As they say...the proof of a great breeding program is in the progeny! 
At our farm color & size is always secondary to conformation, but we also have managed to produce a great selection of quality young stock in every color and ranging in sizes from 30”-35”!

Take a look at our 2013 upcoming list of foals below we have made their boxes now just waiting for them to arrive. We can’t wait!!!!

Cyder’ s  Prancer

2013 Shortcake foal 1 mo

 Date of Birth: 04-09-2013
 Color:  Brown/Bay (red cast)   

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH 22”

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50th
 Granddam: Bell E Acres Little Red Julie

 Dam: Cyder’s Strawberry Shortcake
 GrandSire: MGF Prime Time
 Granddam: MGF Venus Cerisa 114

 Handsome little fella with a showy little trot. Very smart like his Daddy and comes looking for attention. He will show halter and obstacles but maybe to small for a driver.


2013 Birdie foal 1wk

 Date of Birth: 05-08-2013
 Color:  Black w/cross or very dark   

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH-23”

 Sire: Cyder’s Palomino Star
 Grandsire: Hedrick’s JJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: Cyder’s Black Bird
 GrandSire: MGF Doctor Shivago 500
 Granddam: MGF Creme Brulee 389

Pictured at about 24 hours old...this boy is friendly already. Could hardly get him far enough away to take a picture of him. Will be a bit of a wooly type possibly and handsome. Very nice strong build. 
How about considering him for your next performance show gelding prospect!!! Flashy!

Cyder’s Jonathan

2013 Scarlet foal2

 Date of Birth: 5-19-2013
 Color:  Dark Black/Brown   

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH : 22” at 2.5 weeks

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P
 Granddam: HA Peace M

 Dam: Cyder’s Scarlet Bella
 GrandSire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

Scarlet surprised us this morning with this little bundle! He is so cute, friendly and sweet. More of a halter type donkey, with balance and refinement very pretty. Herdsire prospect.
He is currently on Hold ~

Cyder’s Fuzzywazee

2013 Mica foal3

 Date of Birth: 05-28-2013
 Color:  Color Spotted wooly   

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  23” @ 8 days

 Sire: MGF Absolute
 Grandsire: MGF Stolli Too
 Granddam: MGF Venus Czarina 918

 Dam: Arcadian Michaela
 GrandSire: Dewey Meadows Valentino
 Granddam: Arcadian Molly

Wow this boy is wildly spotted. Will be fun to see how much hair he gets...seems wooly.

Cyder’s Tim Brown

2013 Kitty foal3

 Date of Birth: 05-29-2013
 Color:  Color Dark Brown/Black with red tints  

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  1

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: Cyder’s TT Kitty
 GrandSire: Fisher’s Tiny Tim
 Granddam: Teddy’s Treasure Kitty

Just a quick picture of our new boy...next time we will get his eyes open. Nice build only half a day old.
This one has class very handsome boy. Will update soon.

Cyder’s Sarsasparilla

2013 Blaze foal

 Date of Birth: 06-04-2013
 Color:  Brown/gray spotted MSF*   

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  BH: 23”

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: Cyder’s TT Blaze
 GrandSire: Fisher’s Tiny Tim
 Granddam: Teddy’s Treasure Harriet

This little girl is allot like Mommy. She is a thicker build than Blaze’s other foals and we like that, a friendly girl who wants to crawl into your lap! I think she is getting spoiled being the only girl in the bunch.
She is available for purchase... contact us for more info.

Cyder’s Red Hawk

2013 Jesse Foal

 Date of Birth: 06-16-2013
 Color:  Color Dark Red russet  

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH:

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: MGF Jest In Time 880
 GrandSire: MGF Prime Time
 Granddam: MGF Jessica 373

What a surprise! So what do you get with a black sire and black dam? A big strapping fellow in a dark red suit who might be destined for the show ring. He is thick and wide perfect for a show performance donkey.

Cyder’s Mac Mini

2013 Peace foal

 Date of Birth: 06-30-2013
 Color:  Color Red  

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH:

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam:  Heiken’s Ark Peace M
 GrandSire: McLendon’s 45 Magnum
 Granddam: Heiken’s Ark Patience

Peace “PC” as we call her, had her foal he is straight and nicely proportioned like all our other Black Hawk foals.
This little guy takes after him dam with a very pretty face, large eyes along with black eye liner, a pretty boy.

Cyder’s Calamity Jane

2013 Black Pearl foal1

 Date of Birth: 07-29-2013
 Color:   Lt Red  

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  BH: 20.25”

 Sire: Cyder’s Palomino Star
 Grandsire: Hedrick’s JJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: Cyder’s Black Pearl
 GrandSire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Well pearl finally did it. What a cute baby and another girl, she is a full sister to our Black Jane! Very nice.
 Available for purchase... Contact us for more info.

Cyder’s Bullet

2013 Dusty foal 029

 Date of Birth: 09-10-2013
 Color:  Color ~ still evaluating   

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  N/A - Small

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: Cyder’s Star Dust
 GrandSire: Hedrick’s JJ
 Granddam: KC Hearts of Fire

We were awaiting this one. Stocky jack foal not to big in height... actually looking pretty small.
 It will be fun to watch him develop time will tell.
This is Dusty’s first foal and she is doing a great job.
On Hold as a jack prospect... I
nquires welcome!

Cyder’s Pumpkin

2013 Carol jean foal Jan

 Date of Birth: 11-12-2013
 Color:  Color Brown  

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  20.5”

 Sire: LN Red Rally
 Grandsire: LN Redsonnehi
 Granddam: LN Foxy Ally

 Dam: Gardner’s Carol Jean
 GrandSire: HA Kennedy
 Granddam: L&C’s Fiona

Carole Jean, a new addition to our herd gave us a surprise this am!
The coldest morning of the year to date and Jean delivered a fuzzy little jennet.
So we will have another winter baby here to care for this year, she is small, thick boned, and has a super pedigree with old genetic lines. Pictures coming soon.

This little bundle is FOR SALE! Contact us. Ready to go in the Spring after weaning.

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Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck