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Specializing in Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys & Irish Dexter Cattle

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2016 Foals 

Cyder Bay farm has put countless hours of study and over 20+ years into our breeding program raising quality miniature donkeys for all purposes with an abundant Champion show winners, 4H group performance geldings, quality breeding stock and of coarse well adjusted pets as well. We have added, and tested many different blood lines within the breed. 
Many of the older true foundation lines are becoming very hard to find with the passing of time most are aged (retired) or deceased. 
We have worked hard to research and retain several older, pure lines that we are working to establish quality offspring to bring these genetics back for future availability for the upcoming generation of breeders. We feel it is of great importance to retain the older foundational lineage for breed preservation and also to retain the “original breed standard” of the miniature donkey breed.
We are proud to introduce our 2016 listing. 

Cyder’ s Rue

2016 Frenchie foal 006

 Date of Birth: 5-1-16
 Color:  Dk Brown wooly

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50
 Granddam: BEA Little Red Julie

 Dam: Cyder’s French Silk MGF871
 GrandSire: MGF Doctor Shivago 500
 Granddam: MGF Venus la Rimsky-Korsakov

 Contact us about availability

Cyder’ s Sweet Sophie

2016 Bonnie foal 030

 Date of Birth: 5-17-16
 Color:  Black or DK Brown

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: MGF Anne Bonney
 GrandSire: MGF RJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Love In Bloom

 Contact us about availability

Cyder’ s Grayson

2016 Mary foal 006

 Date of Birth: 5-28-16
 Color:  Gray-dun

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: Cyder’s Mary Rose
 GrandSire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Granddam: Pygmy Acres R-Dominica

 We have another boy, this time in the traditional donkey Gray coloring.
We will be offering this boy as a pet (gelding to be) so if you are looking take a look at this boy.

Cyder’ s Black Raven

2016 Birdie foal 030

 Date of Birth: 6-7-16
 Color:  Black as Black, NLP

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: MGF Black Bird
 GrandSire: MGF Doctor Shivago
 Granddam: MGF Creame Brulee

 Contact us about availability

Cyder’ s Candy Dots

2016 Candy  foal

 Date of Birth: June 18, 2016
 Color:  Brown or Black and white spotted

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: MGF Venus Candy Tess
 GrandSire: DM Primo
 Granddam: MGF Venus Kess

 Contact us about availability

Cyder’ s ?

2016 Regina foal

 Date of Birth: June 22, 2016
 Color:  Red w/star

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Grandsire: LCR Valintino 50
 Granddam: BEA Little Red Julie

 Dam: MGF Venus Regina
 GrandSire: Windcrest Cherries Jubilee
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana49

 Contact us about availability

Cyder’ s Elisabeth

2016 Victoria foal

 Date of Birth: August, 18, 2016
 Color:   Red

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  BH 2X

 Sire: MGF Nitro
 Grandsire: MGF RJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Ursula 30

 Dam: Feather Ridge Victoria
 GrandSire: My World Tyler
 Granddam: Feather Ridge Paprika

 Contact us about availability

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Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck