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Specializing in Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys & Irish Dexter Cattle

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Nursery ~ 2012 Foals

Our foals are a product of careful genetic selection.
With high emphasis on balance and correct conformation, “way of going” or movement is also important to us as we feel miniature donkeys were meant to be useful working animals. 

Management & Early Care: Our breeding stock have constant up to date health care and high nutrition: and our foals get the best early nutrition, creep feed/vitamins and lots of hugs!

Cyder’s Tuffy

2012 CinderFoal2012 Cinderfoal2

 Date of Birth: 05-24-2012
 Color:  Dark Brown (red tints)   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23” approx

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: KC Cinder Smoke
 GrandSire: Sunset Acres Tuffy
 Granddam: KC’s Black Smoke

 Pictured at one week of age...
 First foal is here and he is a very pretty boy! Pretty little head and up headed presence!
 This boy will make a super show gelding or pet. He should mature around 33-34” and he is
 For Sale available at weaning in Oct.

Cyder’s Laddy 

Laddy 3moB

 Date of Birth: 05-31-2012
 Color:  Dark Brown/star   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 22” approx

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P (28” Bl spot)
 Granddam: HA Peace M

 Dam: Sunny G’s Lacie
 GrandSire: Miller’s Mr. Spock
 Granddam: Sutherlin’s Little Zsha Zsha

 Pictured first day (12 hours).
 Pretty little boy cute as a button with a little star on his head.
 This boy will make a super gelding or pet ...very friendly follows everyone around.
 He should mature around 32-33” and he is
 For Sale available at weaning in Oct.

Cyder’s Parlay

Parlay and dam

 Date of Birth: 06-05-2012
 Color:  Brown/red - spotted  

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 22” at 3 days

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P (28” Bl spot)
 Granddam: HA Peace M

 Dam: Cyder’ s French Silk MGF871
 GrandSire: MGF Doctor Shivago
 Granddam: MGF Venus Petit Mena

 Here is a flashy boy.
 Not quite sure what color he will end up as he really looks red..time will tell. 
 Interesting pedigree with allot of small genetics.

Cyder’s Luigina

2012 Brandyfoal

 Date of Birth: 06-06-2012
 Color:  Dark Red   

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 23.5” at 2 days

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam: LN Brandy
 GrandSire: Milton of M&M
 Granddam: Strawberry Shortcake

 This little dark red jennet will be retained for our herd.
 If you study her pedigree you would see why she is just not replaceable.
 Brandy’s last foal we are retiring her after weaning in the fall.
 Sorry Not For Sale.

Cyder’s Candy Apple

2012 Candy foal2

 Date of Birth: 06-09-2012
 Color:  Red/brown/Black -tri-spotted   

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 21”

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh (31”)
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P (28” Bl spot)
 Granddam: HA Peace M   (32”)

 Dam: MGF Venus Candy Kess (31.5”)
 GrandSire: DM Primo (32”)
 Granddam: MGF Venus Kes 15 (32”)

This little girl “just born” is very nice and well colored, she shows good substance and balance at 2  days old shown here. 
Small and stocky! Yes she has one black spot on the other side of her neck.
Serious breeder inquiries are welcome! See: Young Jennets For sale Page

Cyder’s Catalina

2012 Mollyfoal3moA

 Date of Birth: 06-14-2012
 Color:  Dark Red   

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 21.5”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam: MGF Venus Red Torre
 GrandSire: The Fireman
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana

Very nice little jennet! Super pedigree built very nice!
Serious breeder inquiries only! See: Young Jennets For Sale Page

Cyder’s Charmer

Charmer 3 moB

 Date of Birth: 06-15-2012
 Color:  Dark Red   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23.5”

 Sire: Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: Cyder’ s Tanguaray
 GrandSire: Sunset Acres Red Sunset
 Granddam: LN Brandy

A nice pretty boy available as a pet or show gelding! Born with his ear forward...they always straighten up with a little time and massaging!
Very Cute Boy friendly and loves attention! This one is very nice.


Cyder’s Justin Morgan

2012 Bettyfoal2

 Date of Birth: 06-16-2012
 Color:  Dark Mahogany bay   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23” on day 11

 Sire: Cyder’s Palomino Star
 Grandsire: Hedrick’s JJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Bellana 49

 Dam: Cyder’ s Brown Betty MGF826
 GrandSire: MGF Doctor Shivago
 Granddam: MGF Whispering Rose

This little guy will not stand for pictures so we improvised and he is busy for this one!!!
He is one of our favorites...so much personality in such a little package!
Our second palomino foal and he is impressive just like the first “Black Jane”!


Cyder’s Caption Jack

2012Agobi foal

 Date of Birth: 06-20-2012
 Color:  Spotted (red & white)  

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 22.25” on day 7

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P (28” Bl spot)
 Granddam: HA Peace M

 Dam: LN Agobi
 GrandSire: LN Mr. Attitude
 Granddam: Aday’s Bushnell Gobi

 This little boy is sweet. He will make a colorful pet with his nice spotting pattern.


Cyder’s Miss Gala 

2012 SonGal foal and Ralphie

 Date of Birth: 06-20-2012
 Color:  Red/brown “Bay”  

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 21” (@7 days old)

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P (28” Bl spot)
 Granddam: HA Peace M

 Dam: Cyder’s Redsonne Gal
 GrandSire: LN Redsonnehi
 Granddam: LN E’s Firefly

 She has arrived... “petite” little correct jennet! Lovely in every way!
 She has a very nice full pedigree many champions should be a nice smaller breeding     quality jennet.
 We need to sell a few so we priced her low...she is for sale! 
 FOR SALE ~ See: Young Jennets For Sale Page

Cyder’s Polka Pony

2012 Polka Dot foal

 Date of Birth: 06-27-2012
 Color:  Spotted (red & white)  

 Gender: Jennet
 Birth Height: 24”

 Sire: Cyder’s Mackintosh
 Grandsire: HA Hercules P (28” Bl spot)
 Granddam: HA Peace M

 Dam: Tex*Ass miss Polka-Dot
 GrandSire: Ferncroft’s WYSIWYG
 Granddam: Ferncroft’s Slick Lady

 Pony is performance all the way, she has the same quality consistency always produced with this line. She is performance built!

Cyder’s Big Z Surprise 

2012BigZfoal 2

 Date of Birth: 08-16-2012
 Color:  Black nlp*   

 Gender: Jack
 Birth Height: 23”

 Sire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Grandsire: LN Foxworthy
 Granddam: Northern Oasis Alexis

 Dam: FL Zerelda James
 GrandSire:Willow Creek Luigi
 Granddam:Tes*Ass What A Woman

He was kind of a surprise expecting Zerelda to go a few more days at least, but he is now here! Wow nice thick bones should be a super built boy...this is our last one for the year!
This could be a really nice performance gelding. Call if interested.
For SALE see: Pets & Geldings

Cyder’s Noel

2013 Bonnie foal2013 Bonnie foal2

 Date of Birth: 12-29-2012
 Color:   Brown/Bay  

 Gender: Jennet
 Height:  22”

 Sire: Untraced MGF Jack
 Grandsire: n/a
 Granddam: n/a

 Dam: MGF Anne Bonnie 541
 GrandSire: MGF RJ
 Granddam: MGF Venus Love in Bloom

Even though “Noel” was born the end of 2012 we are considering her our first 2013 foals. She is earlier than expected on our records so we cannot be 100% certain about her sire... therefore she is untraced.

New pictures of Noel taken 4/10/13....Cute wooly sassy girl showing off. Noel has turned out wide and very nice to bad she is untraced as far as who her sire could is.

Noel is already SOLD!

 CyderBay Home  Herd Sires  Jennets  Foals  For Sale  Sold  Dexter Cattle  CBF Location  Our History  CBF Creations  Breeders SALE

Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck