Above is a group of yearling jennets with two mature jennets to the far right, this was earlier into our breeding program!
Our goal is to produce a quality animal first, and although color and size are always secondary in our thoughts we have achieved a variety of sizes and lots of interesting colors to choose from. Maintaining a healthy safe spacious environment is also a priority, along with feeding our animals properly. We feel that maintaining proper vitamin/mineral supplements along with grain (when needed) and quality hay types, as well as fresh water daily, pasture to run, good vet care, and gelding is all part of owning animals and being a responsible owner.
Individual care like that of proper hoof trimming, grooming, and training helps our donkeys become well mannered and well adjusted individuals. If you are in our area and interested in Miniature Donkeys for pets or a possible “Fun” new business adventure. Feel free to call for an appointment to visit our operation first hand and best of all meet some wonderful donkeys!