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Specializing in Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys & Irish Dexter Cattle

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Sunset Acres Red Sunset


 Gender: Jack     Date of Birth: 07-06-1996

   Height:  32.5”   Color: Dark Red

Sunset, one of the last remaining direct LCR Valintino 50th sons still producing today. Sunny has produced some outstanding offspring for us and his daughters are superb breeding stock additions; all offspring we have shown have placed high in the ribbons or earned Champion Status.

His foals have an abundance of great qualities, good leg structure, body width, wonderfully balanced up-headed conformation, great personalities and are very trainable and showy!
As a herd sire, Sunny will easily hand or pasture breed and is mannerly with the jennets & foals. 

Sunset is very trainable, actually he just does what ever you would like without much of any formal training. He has a real “sporting” personality a great donkey to be around and to work with.
His all around versatility really shines at the shows, parades, horse fairs, live
nativity, nursing homes, and even Santa’s little helper, and he does it all very willingly!
We are breeding him limitedly, therefore Sunny offspring is limited.
Sunny is now retired.


 Wisconsin Donkey & Mule Society (WDMS) State Show
 1999 3 year & up Jacks & Geldings (49” & under) ~ 1st Place
 1999 Grand Champion Halter (49” & under)
 1999 Leading Trail Class (open all sizes) ~ 2nd Place

 Great Mule Celebration ~ ADMS National Show ~ Tennessee
 1999 Leading Trail Class (mini’s) 4th place  (30+ entries and only his second show)

 WDMS ~ WI State Show
 2000 3 year & up Mini Donkey Open ~ 1st Place
 2000 3 year & up Jacks & Geldings (49” & under) ~ 1st Place
 2000 Grand Champion Halter (49” & under)
 2000 Costume Class (Noah & Ark) ~ 1st Place
 2000 Leading Trail Class (Open all sizes) ~ 2nd Place
 2000 High Point Miniature Donkey

 WDMS ~ WI State Show
 2001 3 year & up Jacks & Geldings (49” & under) ~ 1st Place
 2001 Leading Trail Class (Open all sizes) ~ 2nd Place

WDMS ~ WI State Show
 Sunset was off for one year...then brought back and shown by our son Malachi.
 2003 3 year & up Jacks & Geldings ~ 2nd Place
 2003 Grand Champion Halter & Reserve was won by his 2-daughters
     Cyder’s Mary Rose and Cyder’s Marmalade

 2003 Leading Trail Class (Open all sizes) ~ 6th Place
 2003 Musical Plates (mini’s only) ~ 1st Place
 2003 Bloomer Race (mini’s only) ~ 3rd Place
 2003 Half Ass Flag Race ~ 1st Place

WDMS ~ WI State Show
 2004 3 year & up Jacks & Geldings ~ 1st Place
 2004 Grand Champion Halter (39” & under)
 2004 Leading Trail Class (Open all sizes) ~ 2nd Place
 2004 Open Driving (all sizes) ~ 3rd Place
 2004 Open Driving Obstacle ~ 2nd Place
004 Mini Donkey Snigging ~ 1st Place


 LCR Valintino 50th (1982)
 32” Dk red

 Bell E Acres Little Red Julie
 (1992) 31.75” Red

 LCR Diamond (1973)
 Gray-dun, Danby Farm, NE

 LCR Philamena 31 (1979)

 Lazy N Nehemiah (1988)
 32” Brown

 Bell E Acres Jennie Sam -5008
 (1974) 32.5” Red, Danby Farm

 Theseus T-3063 Brown

 Marianna M-27 Gray-dun

 Throwback to Blue  Lt Gray-dun

 LCR Rosamaria Gray-dun (By Luigi)

 Lazy N Nehi  33.5” Gray-dun

 Lazy N Nitch 33” Brown/gray

 Luigino L-3752 Gray-dun (by Luigi)

 M&M Cameo 3965 Gray-dun

LN Foxworthy

Foxworthy7Foxworthy6 - Copy

 Gender: Jack   Date of Birth: 06-28-1996

    Height: 31.25”     Color: Dark red

Foxworthy, proven sire of many wonderful foals here at CBF.
Foxworthy now residing in The Netherlands.

Foxworthy’s prominent sons
Cyder’s Jimmy Brown, Cyder’s Charming Fox
 Cyder’s Spartacus(New Zealand) Cyder’s Dapper Dan, , Cyder’s Mr. Madison,
Cyder’s Jackson(deasesed 2014)

Foxworthy daughters
Cyder’s Black Pearl, Cyder’s Scarlet Bella, and Cyder’s Dima-Dott Fox, and Cyder’s Jillian, Cyder’s Red Velvet to name a few.


 LN Nicolodeon  (1992)
 32” Brown/Gray

LN Foxy Nicolilna (1992)
 32” Dark Red

 LN Nicodemus
 34.5” Brown (Champion)

 LN Notch 32.5” Brown/Gray

 LN Nicodemus
 34.5” Brown (Champion)

 LN Nolina Jo 32” DK Brown

 LCR Valintino 22,  Dark Brown

 LCR Carlotta Lena,  Brown

 Butch, B 4059,  Gray-dun

 Jennie Sam of Bell E Acres 5008, Red

 LCR Valintino 22,  Dark Brown

 LCR Carlotta Lena,  Brown

 No Jo-Jo ll, NA-2988, Gray-dun

 Lazy N Nolita, Dark Brown

Cyder’s Jimmy Brown

Jimmy Brown  Jan 1 2015

 Gender: Jack    Date of Birth: 05-16-2005

     Height: 31.5”     Color: Russet/Brown


Jimmy Brown, shown (above) January 1, 2015
24 degrees and -0 wind chills, but Jimmy loves all the attention he can get. Shown in a full winter coat, wish I had one too!!!

Jimmy is a producer consistent in quality and type. He produces deep color, dark shades of reds, true blacks, nlp and light points; he is the perfect “all in one” jack.

Sire of Grand Champion & Best of Breed ~ Small Pleasures Zydeco ~ owned and shown by Hickory Hills, TX
Sire of Champion ~ Cyder’s Velvet Brown ~ owned and shown by Debby Miller, KS.

Half brother to multi Champion Cyder’s Spartacus residing in New Zealand.
The list of Champions and quality goes on and on through his genetic lines.

We are extremely please with what Jimmy has produced for us and we will be retaining many of his offspring to carry on his genetics.
 Call or contact us for more information on our Jimmy offspring!


 LN Foxworthy (1996)
 31.25” Dark Red(russet)

 Northern Oasis Alexis (2001)
 34.5” BL/Dk Brown *NLP


 LN Nicolodeon (1992)
 32” Brown/gray-dun

 LN Foxy Nicolina (1992)
 32” Dark Red (russet)

 S.S Red Lightening (1988)
 32” Red

 Miss Melissa of Circle C (1997)
 31.25” Brown

 LN Nicodemus (1988) 34.5” Brown

 Lazy N Notch (1979) 32.5” Br/gray

 LN Nicodemus (1988) 34.5” Brown

 LN Nolina Jo (1988) 32” DK Brown

 S.S Sampson 32.7/8” Dk Brown

 S.S Sara 31.5” Dk Brown

 Circle C Little Motown 35 1/8” Black

 Circle C Melissa 32.25” Brown

Hedrick’s JJ  A-5846


 Gender: Jack     Date of Birth: 00-00-1987

         Height:  32”    Color: Lt Red


 We leased JJ for breeding at the rip old age of 20 years, and he sired 5 foals for CBF, which were born in 2008.
JJ went back to his owner and pass over the winter of 2009/2010.
CBF retained a daughter ~ Cyder’s Star Dust
and a son ~ Cyder’s Palomino Star
We are hoping to keep JJ’s genetic attributes alive with in the breed for future generations.

 Hedrick’s Dapper #2
 30” Lt Sorrel

 Hedrick’s Jennet
 32” Brown

 DMF Mighty Moe 8621
 29” Gray-dun   DOB-1983












Cyder’s Palomino Star


 Gender: Jack     Date of Birth: 04-09-2008

   Height: 33”    Color: Lt Red w/star

Palomino Star, is a very unique striking well built jack, with gorgeous looks and presence.
Personality is curious, sweet, and willing, and he is light and responsive.
We think he could be very interesting to show or drive as well as kind of a “do all” type donkey.
New ~ pictures (above) are showing him as a 3 year old jack.

Genetically, Palomino is very rare being the last known direct Hedrick’s JJ son available breeding and not to mention out of our treasured Bellana who is a Fireman daughter. The Hedrick’s JJ line has been a great influence to the breed and it is nice to see that there is still some access to those genetics available through our Palomino.
Many high caliber donkeys have contained Hedrick’s JJ in the lineage and we fine the JJ line to be a contributor to nice balanced body length, nice neck attachment and a showy look.
So far to date Palomino foals are all very nicely conformed with abundant personality.

Our first Palomino foal can be seen on our 2011 foals page a nice 20” black jennet.
His first foal was born..See her on our 2011 Foals (Cyder’s Black Jane)

See his..2012 foal born Justin Morgan Palomino’s second foal.

See his 2013 foals born Here.
2014 foals
2015 foals

We are sorry to report that we gelded palomino May 1, 2015 due to space limitations on the farm, but on a happy note he found a home with a great family.


 Hedrick’s JJ (1987)
 32” Lt Red

 MGF Venus Bellana 49 (1994)
 34” Red

 Hedrick’s Dapper#2
 30” Lt Sorrel

 Hedrick’s Jennet
 32” Brown

 The Fireman (1989)
 32.5” Dark Red

 Boone’s Little Rose Marie
 32” Lt Red *roan

 DMF Mighty Moe, 29” gray-dun




 DMF Junior, 33” Rose Dun

 Grumpy, Brown/gray-dun

 Pedro from Missouri, 32.75” Red/roan

 Boone’s Little Rosie, 33.5” Dark red

Cyder’ s Mr. BlackBerry

Blackberry 3 years

 Date of Birth: July 21,2018
 Color:  Black

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  29” at a year current 30.25” 3 years

 Sire: Cyder’s Black Hawk
 Grandsire: Cyder’s Jimmy Brown
 Granddam: Cyder’s Little Blackie

 Dam: MGF Venus Candy Tess
 GrandSire: DM Primo
 Granddam: MGF Venus Kess

 Breeding Jack. This is a yearling photo of this nice boy. Updated pictures will be coming
Has settled jennets this year
ribbon SOLD and Shown 2021 ribbon

2021 NMDA Nationals 3 & 4 year old Jack -Champion

2021 Texas State Fair. 374 year old Jack - Champion

2022 NMDA National 3 & 4 Jack - Champion

2022 Texas State Fair 3 & 4 year old jack - Champion
Grand Champion Jack &
Best of Breed

ribbonOwned by Stephanie Dove, Brayers Are Us. Txribbon
Fort Worth Show
2023 Jacks 3 & 4 year old - 1st place
Grand Champion Jack
 Best of Breed

Houston Live Stock Show
2023 Jacks 3 & 4 year old - 1st place
Grand Champion Jack
Best of Breed

Cyder’s Mr. Madison


 Gender: Jack    Date of Birth: 06-05-2005

     Height: 32.25”    Color: Red


Madison is a superb son of Foxworthy and was sold as a younger jack. He produced a small number of CBF foals.
Herd sire in Tenn, Legendary farm.


Show Record


 MMDBA ~ State Show, Ozark Empire Fair
 2008 Mature Jacks to Halter ~ 1st Place
2008 Reserve Grand Champion Halter

Missouri State Fair
2008 Jacks 3 & up ~ 1st Place
 2008 Reserve Grand Champion Halter

 LN Foxworthy (1996)
 31.25” Dark Red(russet)

 Circle C Miss America (2001)
 32.75” Lt Red

 LN Nicolodeon (1992)
 32” Brown/gray-dun

 LN Foxy Nicolina (1992)
 32” Dark Red (russet)

 S.S Red Lightening (1988)
 32” Red

 Circle C Miss Houston (1989)
 31.75” Lt Red

 LN Nicodemus (1988) 34.5” Brown

 Lazy N Notch (1979) 32.5” Br/gray

 LN Nicodemus (1988) 34.5” Brown

 LN Nolina Jo (1988) 32” DK Brown

 S.S Sampson 32.7/8” Dk Brown

 S.S Sara 31.5” Dk Brown

 Hedrick’s Dapper #2 (Lt Red 30”)

 Hedrick’s #14 31.5”

Cyder”s Red Apollo

Apollo3 Apollo 2

 Date of Birth:  July 18, 2022
 Color:   Red  

 Gender: Jack
 Height:  31.75” @ 14 months

 Yearling whotos. We are proud to announce Cyder”s Red Apollo who is a son of Ma & Pa”s Red Pepper.
 Apollo is out of our first 2022 group of Pepper foals. He is very willing to do most any obstacle in his path, he is a natural performer. Such a very smart and willing mind.
2023 NMDA National Show - Shawnee OK.
3rd Place - Weanling class - 18 donkeys entered

We have breed several jennets to Apollo in 2024 before deciding he will make an outstanding performance donkey.
2025 FOALS....


 SIRE: Ma & Pa’s Red Pepper
      33.25” Red      

 DAM: Feather Ridge”s Victoria
      32.25” Dark Red

 Ma & Pa;s Nebraska Red
 29” Red

 Lake Mutiny Farm Frolic
 32” Brown

 My World Tyler-R-99
 31.50” Dark Red

 Feather Ridge”s Paprika
 34.50” Dark Red

 Happytime Acres Pete Za, 30.25” Dark Red

 Even”s Bluff Miniatures Fidelis, 30,50” Red Roan

 s.s. Indian Ink, 33.50” Black NLP*

 Schrater”s Josephine, 33” Very DK Brown

 Rearview’s Red Rock, 32.50” Dark Red

 My World Black Cherry-V-96, 32.50” Very DK Brown

 LCR Valintino 75 (Barron) , 34” Dark Red

 Feather Ridges”s Rosita, 32.50” Red

 CyderBay Home  Herd Sires  Jennets  Foals  For Sale  Sold  Dexter Cattle  CBF Location  Our History  CBF Creations  Breeders SALE

Cyder Bay Farm

David & Robin Irlbeck
1550 E. Assman Rd.   Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone 920.362.4523

Face Book: Cyder Bay Farm & Breeders Classic Midwest Miniature Donkey Sale

Email Us: donk@cyderbayfarm.com

© 2025 Cyder Bay Farm ~ All Rights Reserved ~ Website by Robin Irlbeck